Monday, June 23, 2008

Swimming Fun!!!

Lately we've been going to the pool in the afternoons to keep cool. Here is Charlotte, all ready to go!!!

Charlotte was cracking us up. She insisted on wearing her glasses, whichi is a nice change because she used to take them off instantly.

Brian carried Liam to the pool. I wanted to take a picture of his little half naked body because he looks like such a butterball.

We've been surprised to find that Liam is not a fan of the water. He likes the bath just fine, but put him in the pool and he clings to us for dear life.
Looking at the pictures afterwards made us laugh so loud.

Here is Liam clinging tightly to Brian in the water. He put his arms around Brian's neck and wouldn't let go.

Charlotte peeking at me and Liam in the corner.

Liam, watching Charlotte and Brian swim.


Lauren said...

Aw, poor little Liam! You caught his feeling about water perfectly on camera!:) I love the pic of him clinging to Brian. That's so great you guys can get out as a family and swim, must be so fun! I'm anxious to get Kallie back in a pool, she LOVES swimming, but it's been a long time!

Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

i had no idea you had a blog. I miss you. I love you.

Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

i love you :)

Emilee Pierce said...

Hey chica! I didn't know you had a blog! I just barely discovered this whole blog thing like a month ago. Anyway, miss and love you guys! Love all the pics! Em Fuller